Saturday, November 28, 2009

pink slip phone call

well- i got the somewhat anticipated -or should i say dreaded-voicemail last night. the call that ended my temporary employment with the dept i've been in for almost a year.

same month last year i got the same phone call, and yet it was still a sucker punch despite knowing how the corporate world/temp ageny works.

again- right before christmas.

so that's where i'm at. and hopefully not for very long.


  1. I'm sorry!! I'll pray for a new opening!!!!

  2. GRRRRRR!!!!! Evil Wells Fargo. Like I said, you need to write a book about this crazy experience. Maybe you could be the next Morgan Spurlock.

  3. that's the sad truth about being a temp, they really don't care about you.

    yes, write a book about how temp agencies suck! and make millions! you'll never have to work again.

  4. thanks guys :) and who's Morgan Spurlock?
