Friday, November 13, 2009

ninja warrior!

okay- don't laugh- but the title of my blog is the title of a reality show i like to watch with jesse.

now, most people who know me know that 1) i'm not a huge fan of reality tv (with a few exceptions including the former), and 2) i don't enjoy watching sports. so what is 'ninja warrior'? its a reality show where people in Japan compete against themselves and others in a 3 level obstacle course.

so why do i like it?

no good reason- i suppose its just one of those things that unexplicably sucks me in. in addition to the fond memories i have of living in Japan for a summer, watching person after person start running, making it through the first-then the next- obstacle after obstacle listening to a man shouting in Japanese over the loud speaker while reading it in English heart beats faster and i wonder, "will this guy make it through the 'jumping spider', or the 'warped wall', and can they do it all in 2 minutes time?"

there was one weekend where the boy and i watched this addicting show for almost 2 days straight (in between sleep, errands, and showering of course.) i felt a little silly, a little like a couch potato, and a little amazed that someone somewhere created something that my boyfriend and i both equally enjoy to watch.

i think the reason why this show is so different than a lot of reality tv, or sport footage, is that people aren't beating each other up (figuratively and literally). players are seeing how well they can do, how they measure up against themselves (as its 1 person going at a time). the contestants are proud of what they do for a living- no matter if they are a fireman or gas station attendant- so much so that they wear their uniform while running the course! people aren't arguing, or gossiping, or making hand gestures i don't understand....and its exciting! because in 'ninja warrior' you want everyone to win. you want the guy/girl who has tried 5 years in a row to finally beat his/her record. you want the person who looks silly to suprise everyone. and you kind of wonder, long would i last?

anyway....i may be somewhat of a nerd. but check it out sometime, really :)

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