Friday, November 6, 2009

its Friday, i'm in love

i don't really have anything to say.....just really glad its friday!!

i've had a tough past couple of weeks as i was helping out in a different dept. @ work- wondering if it would really be temporary as was promised- and the manager there was less than nice, to say the least. (and knowing horrible things about her from an ex-friend of hers made the situation much less bearable!!)

but the good news is i'm going back to my old dept. where i belong! or at least, more so than up on the 4th floor. without going into details, i thought about quitting on thursday.

thank God- it all worked out! sometimes you just need to calm down and give it a day.

if there's one thing that i believe, its that God will never give you more than you can handle. it may seem a bit cliche, but everytime i feel myself doubting, it proves true.

as far as work goes, i am sick of being a temp. i will have been a temp for 2 years come this january. and it sucks! unreliable benefits, no paid vacation, no sense of stability and getting left out of several 'work things' because i'm not a true employee....even though i do the same amount of work and put in a 40+ hr work week with the rest of them.

so the time has come where i once again am feeling the "dread." last year november was the time i was let go from my previous temporary employment. now counting this most recent transition, i have worked in a total of 4 different departments within the same company. 2 years, 2 separate interviews, and nothing. part of me says, "hopefully 3rd time's the charm." the other part of me says, get out before its too late and i'm without a job again.

so we'll see what happens. but for now i'm just happy i get to go back to a much friendlier environment, and not be on the phones all day anymore!


  1. become a substitute teacher for Des Moines!

  2. Yea! I'm so glad you're headed back to your old dept. where the people are predictably irritating but nice over all and not jerky like the one you've been at.
