Saturday, November 5, 2011

i've had it with Brittany

no not the pop star, although the character from Glee i'm talking about did a great rendition of Miss Spears in an episode from Season 2.

but the character Brittany from Glee...i've had it with her. i don't know what the show's writers are thinking but season 3 is making headway and even though i enjoy the show, i find myself very frustrated to say the least that none of the characters have grown up; especially Brittany.

if you haven't seen the show, she takes your stereotype of "ditsy blonde cheerleader" to a whole new level. last year, her fellow Glee-mates had to play along when she believed in Santa. and in the latest episode she believed leprechauns were real and told this new foreign exchange student from Ireland - which she believed to be a leprechaun - that she would give him her "pot of gold" if he granted her 3 wishes.

the first thing about this that bothers me is her sexual life and all these innuendos on what's supposed to be a show for high schoolers. imagine if you will, an 8 year old bisexual. this is who i feel she's portraying with her elementary level of knowledge and her teenage hormones. she's constantly getting in to bed with someone, more often than not her best friend and ball & chain Santana. now, I really dislike Santana's character. to be blunt, she's a flat out bitch. and in my opinion, she only "loves" Brittany because she can control her because Brittany is so dumb.

and getting back to the whole "dumb" issue, this is where i really have the problem. if Brittany were real, she would be a teenager with developmental disabilities, aka special needs. her character makes Sue Sylvester's down syndrome minion Becky look like Albert Einstein.

what i find ironic about the whole thing is that the actress who plays Sue Sylvester's character, has not only become a nationwide symbol of who not to be in the show as well as several commercials, but is also involved in a campaign against offensive slang, such as the saying "that is retarded" or "that is gay", or any other racial slur for that matter. and also on the latest episode, Sue claims one reason she's running for office is to promote more special needs programs in schools because of her mentoree Becky and her deceased sister, who also had down syndrome.

so my question is, how is it not hypocritical of them to believe that, and yet have a girl on the show who is at a 3rd grade level mentally and not in special needs classes or getting the help she needs? and when people do tell Brittany the truth, e.g.- Santa Claus & Leprechauns don't exist, it's out of frustration rather than friendly honesty. and it's continually implied that her character is comic relief. but to me, her lack of mental faculty isn't funny, it's sad. and i'm rather sick of it.

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