Friday, December 3, 2010

some things you (the reader) may not know about me (the writer)

my favorite necklace= an owl pendant attached to a long silver chain. the owl's belly is also a clock.

i sometimes wish i lived in the 80's. not because of the crazy fashion and music, but because people wouldn't be so addicted to technology. even when we get internet @ home again, it will never be my life. nor will acquiring the latest small gadgets. my phone allows me to call/text people and take pictures. thats all i need. and i was annoyed when they came out with blu-ray. just more money to spend on replacing the dvd's you bought to replace your vhs'. (and speaking of vhs- i still have mine.)

i really enjoy the concept of flying. for instance- this year, my christmas tree will have both bird & butterfly ornaments.

i really don't mind eating by myself in a public place. it's obviously not my first choice, but i've done it millions of times.

i hate using public restrooms. not because of the usual dirtyness, but because i have a complex with other people hearing me go. if my wedding day ever comes, i won't have a personal assistant to do the lifting of the dress. i'll probably just hold it all day. but i am starting to get over it the older i get. (related antecdote: when i was a kid and we went shopping out of town, my mom would always make my sister & i pee before we went to all the stores. which wasn't a bad idea, considering she was toting around kids for several hours. but this was a big deal for me. it usually ended up with her waiting 30 mintues while i tried with no avail. and then us getting in an argument about it.)

shoes i wish i would've gotten a 2nd pair of: my tan, suede leather loafer-moccasins. i've almost worn them out and they go with me everywhere, every season.

i don't understand people who don't like Panera. its like my favorite non-fast food, fast food place. it's always yummy and its quality food. their breakfast egg souffles are to die for. in fact, i wish i had one right now!

i don't really believe in astrology, but i have to say, i am a pretty stereotypical gemini. always contradicting myself, i live in two worlds. for example, one part of me wants to be wealthy and go shopping every weekend. the other part of me wants to sell all my belongings and move to a third world country. so finding balance, and appearing balanced is a big deal to me.

addendum to the last statement: i also have struggled since i was a small girl, between being utterly unique and fitting in all at the same time. it's probably my biggest complex- to appear different and yet relatable. which is probably why i was always "that wierd girl with the cute top".

miracle whip or mayonaise? definately mayo.

coke or pepsi? definately pepsi. but i don't hate coke, either.

some of my favorite things to eat together:
-cottage cheese & cashews
-ruffled chips and party dip
-wheat thins & red pepper hummus
-triscuits & laughing cow cheese
-popcorn with m&ms
-tuna with hardboiled egg & cucumbers (its better than it sounds!)

the song "bullfrogs & butterflies" has been in my head for a week now. i don't know why.

i embarrassingly tend to go for things that are less challeging and/or time consuming, because then i can easily succeed. (e.g.- i may buy a magazine instead of a book even though i love reading, or i may apply for jobs that i'm overqualified for because then i can be the best employee) it's a sad truth i had to admit to myself.

favorite vegetable- its a tie between red pepper and spinach. so i usually end up combining the two.

favorite type of ice cream- honestly? get me an original chocolate frosty from Wendy's and i'm good to go. i don't really need all the add ins. if i want a candy bar, i'll go buy a candy bar.

my latest purchase(not including food): a red Swingline staper online. $15 with shipping & handling. long story short- i needed a good stapler, and couldn't resist being Milton. (from Office Space)

i like animals more than people. its really true. when i'm watching a movie and an animal dies, there's 100% chance i'll be depressed for days. when a person dies, its about 50/50 that i'll even cry. but don't worrry, as far as movies go i'd still rather watch one with an all person cast. i'm not huge on the whole "animals talking" thing.

i love organzing & redecorating.

most people complain about mondays when working a full time job monday-friday. i'm here to say monday's are not evil. its really thursdays that are satan's spawn. it's the day of the week when i'm ready for the weekend, but its not here yet, and neither is payday. thursdays are for me, the jinx day, where everything goes wrong. i don't even know how it started, but i really feel like thursdays are cursed sometimes.

sometimes, randomly, i make up songs. words and music. but i rarely write them down. and sometimes, i choreograph dances in my head. it's true.

right now i'm: writing this blog post at work. intermittently working and eating my breakfast which today consists of animal crackers and no sugar added, strawberry flavored applesauce. apparently i'm 5 years old.

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