Monday, December 27, 2010


three things i thought would never happen:

1) i finally paid off my car!! my first and only vehicle, i've had this chevy malibu in my life for almost 5 years now. all i can say is - it's about time! :)

2) there was no family drama this past weekend. surreal, i know. perhaps it was a christmas miracle- that's what i'm thinking anyway. there were of course, small annoying moments/things said from certain family members, but irregardless, nothing happened that made me want to cry, scream, or run away. that's definately progress!

3) jesse and i joined a gym last week. also surreal. i've always had an aversion to gyms for several reasons. a) i'm a bit self-conscious and don't want people looking at me. b) i think it's dumb to pay for something that should be free. c) i don't like running on treadmills. and d) most of the activity laden stuff i enjoy is outdoorsy. so why did we join, you ask? well, it started off as a 3 month free deal we got as a bonus for moving to a different apartment. and then we decided it would be a better deal to sign up for a year, thus waiving the > $300 fee it would cost just to join, and so now we only have to worry about the monthly payments (which won't be a huge deal now per accomplishment #1). and, i'm actually feeling good about this decision. we both need to be more active and get in shape, and i'm sick of us complaining to one another about it. and, per the reasons listed above, a)who cares, we're all there for the same reason. b)maybe paying for it will be more of a motivation to exercise on a regular basis. c) they offer free classes that i will love like zumba (a latin dance class) and d) they have a pool, (and also offer a water aerobics class) so i can get my summertime fix in the winter.

so hopefully all of the above will make my days become happier, have less back pain, become less insomniatic (yep- i decided thats a word), and overall, make me feel like i'm acheiving something. small milestones in a life, but milestones none the less.


  1. Wow - way to go on the car! I can't WAIT until I can start saying 'this is paid off, that is paid off'. You give me hope that the day might actually come. :)

    Also, I totally hear you about the gym. We should have some kind of support group. I go to Kennan's work, which is free, but I still need a support group. Happy New Year - love ya!
