Sunday, March 4, 2012

what happened in late February (and early March)

two weeks before today:

I was stressed.... trying to get 17 loads of laundry done before leaving for our winter vacation. and only succeeding in doing 12. i'd say that's pretty good though.

I was social.... mom came up for a 2 day visit, to make us supper, and well, just because. it was nice. and then we left for Colorado for the 2nd time since September. are we rich? no. but we miss our friends, and found cheap plane tickets.

I was full... per vacation, whether short or lengthy, means eating good food and LOTS of it. i have no regrets, other than a slight worry that my stomach has enlarged.

I was loved... realizing my significant other doesn't want to get rid of me no matter how much time we spent next to each other. despite sitting side-by-side via plane & car ride, the night we arrived home we once again sat side-by-side on the couch and watched some tv while holding hands. maybe it was more to cope as i had to go to work the next day. but hey, it still counts ;)

I was neglected... it just so happens last Wednesday, March 1st, was my one year anniversary of working at my present job. which, for most who know me and my employment history of the past few years, is kind of a big deal. but apparently not to my boss. not only did she forget to acknowledge this (it is a small office, after all), but she also forgot to include my name on a check list to read a certain article. and you can assume how that made me feel.

I was happy...
...that i only had 2 and 1/2 days of work before another weekend. oh how i needed it. to go shopping with some tax refund money, unpack, do more laundry, and wrap presents for the upcoming 4 birthdays and 1 wedding/shower, in the next several weeks. yep, i'm getting prepared early.

its march now, and after 2 weeks of craziness (albeit, some of the craziness, was good!) for the next 7 weekends i will be booked. so it was super nice to have one just to myself, to reflect and be glad most of winter is over.

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