Sunday, March 11, 2012

this weekend

was good. is good.

it's march; the air feels different. even though slight allergens are creeping in my open windows, so is the freshness that makes me breathe better.

rj (the initials i've decided to refer to my sister & brother-in-law) came up friday night and stayed most of saturday with us. we played games, watched a couple movies, ate some good food, you know- the usual as when you have company come to visit. although, i think my favorite part of the day was when i accompanied my sister to a seminar for playing percussion (in a worship band setting). this took place inside a mega-church here in dm. so of course it ended up being a bit superchristainy. e.g.- one of the leader's first comments was, "I'm taking for granted that you all love Jesus. and well, if you don't, come see me afterwords." and while it was not all that suprising to hear, i of course, was slightly offended. and not because i'm one of those scoudrels who slipped in that doesn't love Jesus, but because in that one comment he made, several implications were made as well. like...
* "what are you doing here if you are not a christian?"
* "well, i guess it's fine if you're attending to learn about drumming techniques, but make sure before you leave that you change your life perspective as well."
and lastly,
* "i have to say things like this, because if i don't, then the other people in the room will start doubting my christianity."

and really, it's all too familiar for my taste. it all seems scripted and old and tired and for a group of people who, like i said, are attending this for worship band purposes, it just seems obnoxious to me for him to throw a comment out there like that.

now, on the other hand, he did have a lot of good tips and rudimentals to offer the crowd. and i appreciated a lot of other things he had to say, especially about serving people in playing music. because, well, i've been there.

but for some reason, his other comment(s) just rubbed me the wrong way. and sometimes you have to write about silly things that offend you in order to stop being offended.

but like i said before, it was probably my favorite part of yesterday. why? because i got to be "alone" with my sister for an hour & a half. we didn't have any great conversations, or do anything life changing, much to the leader's dismay, i'm sure- (haha. sorry, had to throw that one out there)- but we were together. and i haven't been with my sister that long, uninterrupted, since we were kids. and it was so nice.

and today, i slept in, which was also so nice. sorry, didn't go to church today since apparently i did yesterday. :)

and now, i think i will go make some french toast.


  1. I also don't understand the words saga. There always has to be words. Jesus, Jesus, God, God, heart, asking, prayer, blah, blah, blah.

    I think lives speak louder than words. Actions speak louder than inactions.

    Honestly, I wonder what he would have done if someone did go up to him afterwards.

    Sometimes I don't understand. Your experience rings true for me as well. I try to remind myself that we are not the crazy ones.

  2. Thanks friend :) It's hard, because I don't want to be judgemental, but I also wonder what he would've done if someone DID come up afterwords. And after all these years, that kind of "invitational prayer" seems like something so personal to me and I don't know why anyone would want to ask a stranger to be a part of it? But then, maybe some people are different.
