Tuesday, June 14, 2011

something that made me smile

so...it was about 4:30 or so when my phone rang today. guess who was calling me? my old & infamous temporary employment agency. so, i decided to let it go to voicemail. in a minute or two i listened and this is basically word for word what the message said,

"hi- its 'Torrie' from PG. We haven't been in touch for awhile and I was calling to see if you were interested in an ssignment that starts immediately. well, tomorrow actually..."

yep. so just to clarify, not only did they not specify what kind of assignment it was or where it was, but they called at the end of a business day which gives me little to no time to get back to them for something i need to be ready in less than 24 hours for. and not that any of that shady business tactic is a suprise coming from them, but it is just one more reminder to be happy & grateful i don't have to deal with all that bs anymore.

also, for the record, if i hadn't found a job, that would've been 6 months without any contact or work from them. (which, fyi, is one month longer than this summer/fall when i was really desperate.)

so good riddance, right? i'll have to call them tomorrow @ 4:59 and tell them that. via voicemail of course. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow... It's nice that this phase of your life is over. :)
