Tuesday, January 25, 2011

i can't pick just one

i probably shouldn't be writing anything in a public space right now, because i find myself irritated. and when i'm irritated, i run the risk of offending someone.

but lately i've been reading different blogs, stories, articles, etc.-scoping out what other people have to say about life. i find it interesting (and yet oddly irritating) that some people let one topic consume their whole life, day after day after day. now, i'm not talking about a current problem, or situation that needs resolved, or even a favorite pastime or hobby. what i'm referring to is, the inability to see a rounder world view; a "this is my purpose in life because it's something i enjoy therefore i can say it's what God wants" way of thinking. on the other hand, people shouldn't hinder their own personalities by forgetting their true self via marriage, or parenthood, etc.

i'll be honest....i don't know what my purpose is. i don't claim to. i hesitate to say that God does, because that's another thing that bothers me. people who defer to God and their faith in almost every statement they make because they are afraid to seem "not Christian enough", & afraid to make decisions, or state their real opinions. i understand that christianity is a big part of a persons' life, however, does this forbid you to think outside the box? or realize that if indeed God is your Creator, that he did give you a mind of your own?

basically these are the main things that are currently (and have been for some time) annoying me:

1) people who say "just pray about it" annoy me. prayer is just another word for sorting out your thoughts in a quiet place, so you can be more at peace and make better decisions. whether or not God exists to listen, or intervene, is kind of up for debate. this is just how i really feel. and i think most people feel or have felt this way at some point too, but are just afraid to admit it. it's not that i don't pray for myself or others, or ask others to pray for me, but it just seems "pray" usually translates to a fancier word for "think & hope & analyze & process & vent & try to relinquish control of the situation because most of the time it's out of your hands".

2) 3 & 5 point sermons usually annoy me. there's nothing intrinsically wrong with them, but pastors who usually give them also have a print out for you to "fill in the blanks" with, and that does annoy me. it dumbs down the congregation.....which sometimes isn't all that hard to do anyway. ;)

3) people who use bible verses to justify their way of living annoy me. because almost everyone does it; i know i have. but i find it funny how millions of different people can quote the same book and come up with several denominations and thousands of different life views. which is fine. but most people don't think it's fine, and then judge everyone else for not being exactly like them. when the true beauty of the human race is, in fact, diversity.

4) i see God in people, flora & fauna. but it seems to me, certain other people don't. so they talk to the sky day after day, and end up treating their friends, family, and the earth like shit. this annoys me.

5) stay at home moms usually annoy me. not because they're not working, or because they love their children. but because they usually overcompensate for not having much to talk about other than their kids by having a "holier than thou" way of thinking, join & create many "mom" groups that meet at times when working moms cannot come, and preach to everyone that this is the way it should be done. well maybe you're right. i can't lie and say it wouldn't be nice to not have to work. so how 'bout you pay my bills for awhile so i'm able to do that.

so i guess that's my "5 point sermon" for today ;) i mostly just needed to vent. i hope i didn't offend anyone, but i've been wanting to say that stuff "outloud" for quite awhile now.

and going back to the whole "purpose in life" thing. i'm still figuring mine out. but why does it just have to be one? and does the inability to focus on just one thing make me random? or just well rounded?

i really hope it's the latter.


  1. Here I am, answering right away, because I have no life because I can't find a job! :)

    I really dislike the 'pray about it' people too. And the every-single-word-I-say-has-something-to-do-with-God-because-I'm-pretending-that-I-don't-have-anything-about-God-that-I-don't-understand people. Drives me nuts. In fact, I was just about to post a blog post in this same type of vein. Read it, let me know what you think.

  2. Oh how I "love" faith status contests. Sometimes it's hard not to indulge, though, since I never have doubts or issues or imperfections. (okay, no, obviously) Why is it hard to be real with each other?
