Friday, October 1, 2010

when september ends (part 2)

i can't believe today is a new month- its already october. it's officially fall.

and per my last post, i thought i would update my "to do" list that was supposed to be checked off by today.

1) regarding "i want to know if i'm moving or not"
and the answer is - drumroll please - yes! its official- we are moving mid November, which gives me a month and a half to pack. which seems like plenty of time, but in reality, its not much. so I have obtained a few boxes and am starting little by little. the things i'm most excited about?:
-living in a bigger place that will eventually be just ours (me & the boy's)
-not having to deal with flooding issues any more
-living in a loft space where sunlight just floods in and perhaps my plants won't keep dying
-having a 3rd floor porch (aka- not having leaves and gunk and mowed grass come in all year long no matter how much i try to keep it clean)

2) regarding "i want to have my entire apartment organized"
okay so i think that was probably the most "lofty" (haha- pun intended) goal on the list. its one of those "slowly but surely"/"rome wasn't built in a day" kind of cliches. but now knowing that moving is inevitable, its definately a motivation to organize and declutter til i drop. my 3rd party friend & i have already made lists of what to bring/store/goodwill for at least the kitchen area. so thats one room down. not to mention i've been drawing diagrams, buying containers, and spray-painting shelves to help decorate/organize our new space.

3) regarding "i want to be done with scrapbook #1 for myself"
i just finished the scrapbook yesterday so right on time! and if i do say so myself it is quite nice looking. you (my readers) will have to take a look at it next time you're in town. also- bring your scrapbooks/scrap-calendars if you still have them as it would be fun to see other things i made in the past.

4) regarding "i want to be at least halfway through reading my second book for the book club i recently joined"
this is where i'm lacking the most motivation- especially now that it doesn't seem like a huge priority compared to packing. that, and the book itself seems a little hard for me to get into, at least, the one last month was much more interesting to me. but i still have 20 days to finish.....its possible right?

5) regarding "i want to have a job"
still no news. i thought it was hard for me to make decisions...sigh. and i know the saying goes, not to put all my eggs in one basket, but i am. for good reason. i was called in for a second interview; i have a 50/50 chance of being chosen, as i'm one of the top two candidates. and the best part is, the job is a receptionist/personal assistant type position for a chiropracter whose office is less than a 10 minute commute from my apartment. no more corporate bullshit, no more temporary employment. this is the change i need and the job i want. so more to come on this.

so for now, at least i've got 2 out of 5 figured out. and in the meantime, i guess i just have to learn to be patient.

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