Thursday, October 7, 2010


this week has left much to be desired. first of all, i didn't get the job. long story short, my potential employer didn't end up hiring anyone. she realized as she's just starting her own business that she really can't afford help at this time. to make things even better and worse at the same time, she said i was an "amazing young woman" and would "keep my resume on file" as to "hire me when the time was right". so all in all i wasn't necessarily rejected, but still. i can't seem to win. so back to being a temp i go since no one else will even give me an interview.

also i seem to have contracted a cold this week. which i'm afraid is turning into the flu as when i decided to get some fresh air and do some errands today, i was sweating. in October. with the a/c on in my car. yeah....fever much?

so i'm sick, i still have no employment, and yet, life is still good. why? because of this.!/photo.php?pid=2893237&fbid=119149606773&op=4&o=global&view=global&subj=110801322&id=507436773

this picture designates my true joy in life, and the final page of my recently finished scrapbook. my most favorite people are here in this picture, this memory. and in my opinion, knowing that kind of happiness exists, is all i need right now to get me through the yuckiness

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I miss you. Oh, how I love you. Oh, how I wish I could give you a huge hug.
