Sunday, September 19, 2010

when september ends...

i want to know if i'm moving or not.

it was recently discussed that jesse & i move into a 3 bedroom with a friend whose lease is also coming up and is having trouble finding another roomate/affordable place to live on her own. we've seen the apt. layout- its way cool. basically the same apt. we have now, but with a spiral staircase leading up to a huge loft area, where, until we could afford to live there by ourselves as a couple, she could have as a quasi-studio area. and all 3 of us would save money. there are some reasons why living together might be scary. but overall i'm super excited at the possibility. the problem is, its not 100% available yet. and it might not be. if it is, i have until november to pack. i want to know asap so i can either start packing/not waste my time either way.

i want to have my entire apartment organized.

regarding the prospect of moving or not moving, and also just to keep myself busy, i have since spring been cleaning & organzing bit by bit. trying to get rid of all the unnecessary junk i've been collecting over the years and size down on items, such as my wardrobe, etc. after a weekend with my parents trying to help them get rid of things, and realizing that they both have trouble with hoarding, i gained even more motivation to clean out my own closet. i do not want to become like that. addicted to stuff, i mean. or so poor in spirit that i associate past ownership of items with money/treasure. its one thing to hold on to cards or small trinkets for sentimental sake, especially when they can fit into a number of shoeboxes. its another thing (in reference to my dad) to keep empty cat food & litter bags in case he needs them for something. its quite another thing to keep old sippy seal lids from when we were little, despite their collection of dust and grime from being in the garage. pretty sure if i have kids someday, they will not get their mouths anywear near those lids. and my mom wouldn't part with several other unecessaries- like a box full of old mini-soaps her aunt collected while growing up. even after we took out 2 of each design for me to make a collage with. again, i do not want to be like that. it doesn't seem like i have a lot of stuff (especially in comparison), but best to start now before its too late and i end up leaving all the work to my kids to have to deal with. and then make them feel guilty pre-mordem for talking about giving to goodwill then what should be garbage now.

i want to be done with scrapbook #1 for myself.

pretty self explanatory. i'm over halfway done and i have a tendency to not finish what i started when it comes to crafty projects, especially when they're for myself. it doesn't always carry the proper motivation because, hey i don't plan on going anywhere. but i've recently come up with a self-resolution: to finish what i start and follow through on things i say i'm going to do. which doesn't necessarily mean i'm planning on overextending myself, just to think before i speak. whether it be cooking a meal i planned instead of eating out, or finishing this project before starting another. for a girl who has ADD tendencies, and lots of great ideas that often fall through one way or another i think all i need is a little self-guidance. i think it will help me to realize that yes, i'm just one person, but hopefully that i'm still worth it.

i want to be at least halfway through reading my second book for the book club i recently joined.

yes, i joined a book club. nerdy? yes. awesome? most definately! and the book for October is twice the length as was this month...that i didn't finish, even though i was close! so again, deja vu about the whole finishing what i started phenomenon.

i want to have a job.

again, pretty self explanatory. still waiting to hear back on my last interview which was the only interview for a real, non-temp job i've had all summer long. and the job is so ideal and perfect for me, waiting is the hardest part. i just don't want to go back to dealing with a temp. agency and all the instability that goes with. i really, really need this.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear Sarah. We should really talk. I love the 'thinking before speaking' thing. I need to do that too. I have so many projects - and so little time to do them - but really - I just don't MAKE the time.

    Really - we need to talk. Bad. Love you.
