Friday, May 28, 2010


i believe it was Sir Isaac Newton who said, "what goes up must come down," in relation to matter. if he was still alive today, and an acquaintance of mine, his new law would be regarding emotional physics- "if Sarah goes up, she must come down".

and sometimes a little sooner than i would like.

after a night of pre-birthday fun, i drove home in the dark alone, realizing i wouldn't be able to have fun again for awhile; at least not fun that involved any sort of spending. after a blissful social gathering with my friends, i came home and opened the door of my apartment only to look the unwanted truth in the eye- the truth that was sitting on the couch waiting for my arrival like a parent who's waiting for their teenager past curfew.

because once again, without avail, and all too recently, i am without a job.

there are some silver linings at best,such as an interview already scheduled for next week. but its not completely fixed that i'll get in, and of course the timing couldn't be more awful with summer and summer plans just around the corner.

so i had fun. but then i came home and realized i still had decisions to make. decisions i've been trying to ignore for the past few days. decisions that would make people (and myself) possibly hate me just a little bit.

too bad i can't fly up to space where there isn't any gravity and just float above my problems. too bad i have to stay grounded. because if i don't, it's all the further i'll have to fall.


  1. Oh no!!!! I'm so sorry to hear that you are unemployed. :( I hope this doesn't mean you can't come see me, but if it does, I understand. Super bummer.

  2. stupid being a temp. and getting fired all the time, right? i'll have to call you after my interview on weds. to let you know how it went, etc.
