Sunday, March 14, 2010

there's no place like home

if "home is where the heart is", to add another cliche phrase to the post, then i have to say i felt very at home this weekend.

no more flooding since last time, and i got to see one of my very best friends this weekend that i haven't seen for four months. which doesn't seem like a huge amount of time, but it really is when we used to live in the same city as each other and now are states apart.

it felt so genuinely good and almost relieving to have her in my life again, if only for a couple days. we ate good food, we caught up on life, we went shopping, we took naps on the couch while watching the science channel, we drank too much wine, we sang along to Beauty and the Beast on VHS, we went to church after losing an hour of sleep, we hugged, we said goodbye once again.

and we were friends- in person. and it was so nice. and i feel very grateful.

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