Sunday, October 9, 2011

lazy weekend

i could polish my toes or tweeze my eyebrows, but all i want to do today is nothing.

i could go through my mail and pay some bills, but all i want to do today is nothing.

i could sweep the kitchen floor or do my laundry, but all i want to do today is nothing.

i could go to the library and check out a new book; i could finish reading the current book i've started. but all i want to do today is, well, nothing.

i could go to the gym and sweat for an hour. i could walk or bike on the trail by my house. but, excercise, really? no thanks. today = nothing.

i could've made something beatiful, or tried a new recipie, but all i've done today is absolutely nothing.

i could still post some pictures on facebook, or call up a friend. but alas, i want to do nothing.

i could put on something other than pajamas, but that means i would be doing something.

i could write on my blog about my thoughts on this or that, but then i would be thinking about something.

rather, i'd just as soon do nothing. :)

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