Tuesday, September 6, 2011

september so far:

- we've gotten one of our receptionists back at work since she had her baby. she is less hormonal, although still quite bossy.

- i got yelled at by a doctor at work today.

- i have 5 days left on my antibiotics for my ear infection, which doesn't really feel like it is healing.

-this friday, my mom will undergo minor surgery. she is having an invasive needle biopsy for "supiscious matter" in her breasts. i'm in denial that anything is wrong, but still worried, i have to admit.

- starting tomorrow, we start celebrating with Jesse's family...his little sister is 6 months pregnant with a baby girl that i can spoil with Hello Kitty stuff. and this weekend his little brother gets married.

- my maternal grandma was just diagnosed with stage 1 of Alzheimer's/Dimentia. i'm also in denial about this. but if it's true, this will be the 3rd person in my family so far to contract this horrible, horrible disease. also if it's true, i pray that she will be put out of her misery before it gets to the point where she can't bathe herself or remember who her family is.

- my vacation starts 2 weeks from today! and i am excited, but also aprehensive. the weekend before, i'm spending with my mother & father. my father has been more horrible than usual to my mother lately. maybe he is just scared of losing her. but i don't want any bad news before my vacation starts- i told my mom this when she came & had lunch with me this weekend. she cried and told me not to have any regrets about life and relationships and started crying about her own mother. it is sad to think that as a 54 year old woman, she still has so many unresolved issues about her past. i suppose it's normal. but she is dealing with a lot right now, and therefore, so am i.

so life is good, but really, really overwhelming lately. i recently read a friend's post about an untimely death of a loved one. i hope, selfishly, that doesn't happen in my own realm of friends and family anytime soon. because again, selfishly, i couldn't deal with that right now.

so to sum up: it's good yesterday was a paid holiday, because i definately needed a day off from life & work. and its really very good i have a week long vacation soon....my first paid vacation in 4 years! so yay for blessings, and prayer for the rest :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! That is SO much to deal with. AND to top it all off you have a horrible friend who doesn't call you back. Ack! I would love to talk with you soon - love you!
