Monday, July 18, 2011

i miss your words!

ode're 50% of my audience, so you know who you are :)


i have a fellow blogging friend,
but i do not know where she has been

i check her blog at least once a week
has she gotten lost, is she being meek?

i wish for words i cannot write,
and do not want to sound contrite,

but she's left me wanting, high and dry,
i miss her words, thus i sigh.

where are you C? i cry to the night,
i love your antecdotes on the fly,

and i just wanted you to know,
you are great and i love you so.

...and to the other 1 1/2 readers of mine, i love you too.

P.S. if you haven't checked out my other blog yet, you should: Once Upon a Time - it's not quite as developed, and i'm working on a 5 part series (that will probably take 5 months the way it's going) but i think/hope you'll enjoy.

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