Tuesday, March 15, 2011


i'm sitting at home in the middle of the day, but i'm not unemployed. what?

yes, it's true. one of the perks of my new job is that i get one afternoon off a week (due to working a little overtime during the rest of the week.) in actuality, it adds up to a 38 hour work week. not as good as 40 hours, but still, i can't complain.

so far my new job is going great! people are nice, work is more than tolerable, and today i celebrated my first paycheck by getting lunch at a place called "noodle zoo". it's like panera on crack, but includes different varieties of pasta as well as the soup/salad/sandwich deals, and is locally owned. so next time you're in des moines, friends, i'll treat. because i love you, and because i now can :)


  1. I might (major emphasis on might) be in Des Moines with K at the end of May. My brother gets married memorial day weekend, so we might be able to get together for a meal with you and J, if nothing else.

  2. that would quite literally be the best thing ever! keep me posted, friend ;)
