Sunday, February 6, 2011

feeling blessed

a few months ago i was unemployed, scraping by, and miserable. but lately, i have been feeling so joyous and blessed. which is wierd, because usually this time of year, i'm tripped up with a case of the winter blues. but this year, all within 3 weeks time i will have been to 2 concerts/shows, and be traveling to California on a short but oh so sweet vacation with one of my bestest friends.

how am i able to do all of this? 1) having some sort of job for the past 3 months, 2) income tax refunds ;) , and 3) having an unconditional loving significant other who wants me to be happy and do things for myself, who supports me financially when i need it, and supports me otherwise all the time.

and even though i always feel the need to justify my actions, i don't feel like i'm squandering my money at all. i currently have half of my credit card debt paid off (which started out as ALOT- over $20,000 to be exact. yes, it's true.), and 2 & soon to be 3 of my credit cards entirely paid off. i also have my car completely paid off, as well as all my past medical bills (including my mole surgery from 3 years ago). so i think, even though i was only able to acheive this with the help of my sweet boyfriend, i deserve a reward. and a break, since i wasn't able to go on any vacation last summer. yes, i had more than enough "days off", but no real vacation. no sense of getting [physically] "away from it all". and that's okay, because that's life, and you don't always get what you want when you want it. but once in awhile you do. and that's how i'm feeling right now. very, very blessed.

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