Monday, August 30, 2010

ode to summer days

i can't believe it will be September in just 2 more days. its amazing to me how it flew by so fast, even though i had all this "free" time, not working and all.

i could say this was the summer of being poor and depressed, and having my PapPap diagnosed with a very rare disease. but even though these huge things are like dark clouds on my life, that doesn't mean that the sun didn't come out for me to enjoy on occasion. so in order to recognize this summer as a good one despite my other inclinations, i decided to make a list of all the good things that have happened since the end of May:

*having a super fabulous 27th birthday party eating @ the Cheesecake Factory and seeing Sex & the City 2

*seeing my far away friend that lives in Alaska and having a 2nd birthday shindig for both of us....including the same restaurant & movie because they were that good ;)

*making new friends at the infamous one and 1/2 week long job assignment- it was the best working experience i've ever had. hence the phrase short and sweet.

*spending 2 whole weekends with my sister- making up for lost time and re-getting to know each other

*receiving an unexpected email from a long lost friend, whom i had a falling out with. a sign that all things forgotten are not always lost...or all things lost are not always forgotten.

*having fun in the sun with jesse's family, when his dad took us and his little sister to the local aquatic center

*making the yearly trip to Valley Junction farmer's market with my friend and eating gormet cupcakes

*having a "staycation" with Jesse @ Gray's Lake when we were supposed to be in Colorado

*going to my very first I-Cubs game for free, all due to my bff in Des Moines

*making plans with my best friend from high school to catch up & hang out-just us girls. something pleasantly unexpected after people get married and don't live too close.

*starting a new scrapbook, just for me this time. the first out of 7 that i get to keep.

...and i'm sure there are more pleasant memories or things that happened simply because i didn't have other set obligations, job wise. so to invite another cliché into the mix, that is the silver lining to my dark clouds.

Monday, August 16, 2010

sweating never felt so good

today and yesterday i was blessed with an extracurricular activity- walking a friend's dog while she was out of town.

she must have taken pity on me, because about a month ago i designed these "Pet Nanny" fliers, to provide services for people who needed someone to walk their dog, take care of their cat, etc. this was one of my many ideas for extra income, work, fun, and exercise. and unlike almost all my other ideas for entreprenuring (sp?) my skills, i actually followed through on this one. the bad news is that i haven't had any business with the exception of the past two days, and i don't even expect to get paid since i'm doing it more as a favor, after all. but the good news is- i had so much fun doing it! and i even got a pretty good workout without feeling like i was trying too hard.

the dog's name is Guiness, partially after the lager because his coat is dark black and brown, and partially, i'm told, because he should be in the "Guiness Book of World Records" for being the cutest dog around. which, during our walk today, i dicussed with some old ladies we passed on the sidewalk. "we" being me and the designated doggie of course ;)

and the thought came to me, wouldn't it be funny if the world was run by dogs? instead of saying hi or shaking hands, we would greet strangers by sniffing their crotch. we would be more excited to walk outside sniffing greenery than walking around a mall (which i sometimes am anyway, but it mostly depends on the day.) we wouldn't care about watching tv or movies, we would just want to play fetch. we wouldn't need to "get away from it all" with an expensive vacation, we would just want to go for a ride in the car sticking our heads out the window, not caring that it would mess up our hair.

so maybe it wasn't i that was walking Guiness, maybe in turn, it was he that was walking me. and i feel better for it, in many many ways.

Friday, August 13, 2010

just pennies

so here i am, turned down from yet another job, about to go to the store, because the cupboards are getting emptier and emptier.

per the grocery store's daily special, i'm getting prego sauce for 99 cents, a bag of boneless skinless chicken breasts for 3.99, lettuce for 38 cents, & the other essentials; a carton of eggs, half a gallon of milk, and some mozzerella cheese. so if i'm lucky i can keep it under $10.oo.

and with me i'm bringing empty soda cans and a jar of pennies to exchange for cash in their "coinstar" machine. and i'm hoping & praying i can get what i need with just pennies.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

make a list, check it twice

i was going through some old notebooks, as i do from time to time (especially now that i have more of it), and found one in particular that sparked my interest.

it was just a small notepad, interspersed with grocery lists, unfinished poems, schedules, the "lists" go on. :) and as i was reading myself to sleep with my random past, i came upon a few headers that made me chuckle, such as :

*Upcoming Stressors
*Stressors B4 Thanksgiving
*Things that make me want to scream

...all of course, involving senior year exams, thesis work, etc.

but the best out of all of these didn't have a header. this list simply read, top to bottom;

-Fidel Castro/Cuba
-Kids running away
-Person runnng for Mayor
-Road Trip

(Wtf right?)

so i racked my brain trying to come up with some logical reason why i had made a list as random as such. maybe they were wierd dreams i had, or maybe they were possible topics to write about for my fiction class, but even then i can't think of one good reason i would have chosen to write about Fidel Castro. but alas- here i am, doing just that.