Sunday, April 15, 2012

3 facts of life

1) this was weekend 8, out of 8 weekends in a row we were doing things. and i'm so glad next weekend we can do nothing (and or laundry). life has been good, but way too busy for my taste.

2) i also enjoy a good excuse to stay at hotels. although they are usually overpriced, for me a hotel equals: a bed big enough for both of us, a room that i don't have to clean, and usually a swimming pool! (which is more exciting than our gym swimming pool/hot tub area...because there you have to pretend like you're working out or something :) )

3) i appreciate open bars at weddings. and just an fyi, i think jimmy johns is the perfect hangover food.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

i blame daylight savings

okay, so the last few weeks have been shitty. lots of good moments have happened despite the shitty, but it hasn't been easy. and it all started the same weekend as daylight savings time. i know it's only an hour to "spring ahead" but having to wake up in darkness each day really affects me. and then other bad things happened...

thing 1) jesse had to work the overnight shift for 3 weeks. which means, i get to see him for 2-3 hours after work each night. and i can't call/text him during the day if i have any news of any kind because he's asleep. doable, but this means we couldn't even watch a movie by the time supper was ready because there wouldn't even be enough time to finish it. when he got home, i was waking up and super grumpy. when i got home: vice versa.

thing 2) to make a long story short, something bad happened at work. and because of this a *girl* has been giving me the silent treatment for about 2 weeks now. this particular co-worker can hold a grudge longer than a camel can hold it's bladder, to put things in perspective. and other co-workers have encouraged me that i did the right thing, and it can only get better from here. but at the same time, they're not the people who have to sit next to her all day, 5 days a week! needless to say, it's getting pretty unbearable.

thing 3) this weekend we went down to see my family to celebrate birthdays and palm sunday. and this is the 6th out of 8 weekends in a row we've dedicated to visiting or hosting people we love. but even though we love them, we're ready for a weekend just to ourselves, especially combined with the jesse overnight situation. anyway...all i wanted was a pleasant weekend with my family, away from the woes of work situations. well, long story short, once again, my *sister* & i ended up getting in a huge fight last night. in my opinion, we don't see or talk to one another enough to afford getting in a fight, big or small. and i also hate drama. i know sometimes it's inevitable, especially with family, but this time it was SO unnecessary. and it was such a slap in the face, after i gave her such a nice gift and was nothing but nice to her all day long.

so as you can assume, i'm pretty much exhausted. when we got home this afternoon, i took a nap. after i woke up, i worked on my new budget for the next few months, because even though i'll never have enough (it seems) that's one thing in life i can actually control. and other than this blog post, i tried not to dwell on the icky things in life.

trying to tell myself tomorrow's a new day, but i know not *everyone* might have that same perspective.